Les publications sont disponibles sur Academia, ResearchGate et PhilPapers.
Livres et volumes dirigés
- Malaterre C., Muszynski E. (2020) The Biology of Behavior. Explanatory Pluralism Across the Life Sciences, numéro spécial de la revue Synthese. ISSN: 0039-7857 (Print) 1573-0964 (Online)
- Dúner D., Geppert W., Malaterre C. (2016) The History and Philosophy of the Origin of Life, numéro spécial de la revue International Journal of Astrobiology (Volume 15(4), octobre 2016, 10 articles, 101 p.)
- Braillard P.-A., Malaterre C. (2015) Explanation in Biology. An Enquiry into the Diversity of Explanatory Patterns in the Life Sciences, Springer, 444 p.
- Forterre P., d’Hendecourt L., Malaterre C., Maurel M.C. (2013) De l’inerte au vivant. Une enquête scientifique et philosophique, Paris: La Ville Brûle, 224 p.
- Gayon J., Malaterre C., Morange M., Raulin-Cerceau F., Tirard S. (2010) Defining Life, numéro spécial de la revue Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres (15 articles, 125 pages).
- Malaterre C. (2010) Les origines de la vie : émergence ou explication réductive ? Paris, Éditions Hermann, 282 p.
- Traduction japonaise de Malaterre (2010) par Naoki Sato (2013) 生命起源論の科学哲学, Tokyo: Misuzu Shobo, 356 p.
Sélection d’articles
- Malaterre, C. (2024) Is Life Binary or Gradual? Life 14(5), 564,
- Lamirel, J.C., Lareau, F., Malaterre, C. (2024). CFMf Topic-Model: Comparison with LDA and Top2Vec. Scientometrics (April).
- Malaterre, C., F. Lareau (2024). Inferring Social Networks from Unstructured Text Data: A Proof of Concept Detection of Hidden Communities of Interest. Data & Policy 6 (January): e5.
- Malaterre, C., M. Léonard (2024). Epistemic Markers in the Scientific Discourse. Philosophy of Science 91 (1): 151–74.
- Bertoldi, N., Lareau F., Pence C., Malaterre. C. (2024). A Quantitative Window on the History of Statistics: Topic-Modelling 120 Years of Biometrika. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 39 (1): 13–29.
- Malaterre, C., M. Léonard (2023). Charting the territories of epistemic concepts in the practice of science: A text-mining approach. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
- Malaterre, C., I.L. ten Kate, M. Baqué, V. Debaille, J.L. Grenfell, E. J. Javaux, N. Khawaja, et al. (2023). Is There Such a Thing as a Biosignature? Astrobiology 23 (11): 1213–27.
- Malaterre, C., E. Javaux, P. Lopez-Garcia (2023). Misconceptions in science. Perspectives on Science.
- Malaterre, C., F. Lareau (2023). The emergence of astrobiology: A topic-modeling perspective. Astrobiology
- Malaterre, C., F. Lareau (2023). Identifying hidden communities of interest with topic-based networks: A Case study of the community of philosophers of science (1930-2017). Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences , 2473,
- Malaterre C. (2023) What are ribozymes for? Arguing for function pluralism. In Gayon, J., De Ricqlès, A., Dussault, A. (eds.) Functions: From Organisms to Artefacts. Dordrecht : Springer
- Pavlinova, P., C. N. Lambert, C. Malaterre, P. Nghe (2022). Abiogenesis through gradual evolution of autocatalysis into template-based replication. The FEBS Journal, 597(3): 344-379.
- Malaterre C., J.-F. Chartier, D. Pulizzotto (2022) Topic modeling in HPS: investigating engaged philosophy of science throughout the 20th century. In G. Ramsey, A. De Block The Dynamics of Science: Computational Frontiers in History and Philosophy of Science. University of Pittsburgh Press. pp. 64-185.
- Malaterre, C., C. Jeancolas, P. Nghe (2022). The origin of life: What is the question? Astrobiology 22(7)
- Malaterre, C., F. Lareau (2022). The early days of contemporary philosophy of science: Novel insights from machine translation and topic-modeling of non-parallel multilingual corpora, Synthese 200(3): 242
- Charlat S., A. Ariew, P. Bourrat, M. Ferreira Ruiz, T. Heams, P. Huneman, S. Krishna, M. Lachmann, N. Lartillot, L. Le Sergeant d’Hendecourt, C. Malaterre, P. Nghe, E. Rajon, O. Rivoire, M. Smerlak, Z. Zeravcic (2021). Natural selection beyond life? A workshop report, Life 11(10), 1051
- Muszynski E., Malaterre C. (2021) A Roadmap to Explanatory Pluralism: Introduction to the Topical Collection The Biology of Behaviour, Synthese
- Forest D., Malaterre C. (2021) La causalité en biologie. In Gayon J., Pradeu T. (dir.) Philosophie de la biologie. Explication biologique, hérédité, développement, Vrin: Paris. pp. 75-86.
- Jeancolas C., Malaterre C., Nghe P. (2020). Thresholds in Origin of Life Scenarios, IScience 23 (11): 101756
- Malaterre C., Lareau F., Pulizzotto D., St-Onge J. (2020) Eight Journals over Eight Decades: A Computational Topic-Modeling Approach to Contemporary Philosophy of Science, Synthese.
- Malaterre, Christophe, Jean-François Chartier, Francis Lareau (2020) The recipes of Philosophy of Science: Characterizing the semantic structure of corpora by means of topic associative rules, PLoS ONE 15(11): e0242353.
- Malaterre C., Pulizzotto D., Lareau F. (2020) Revisiting three decades of Biology and Philosophy: A computational topic-modeling perspective, Biology and Philosophy 35(5)
- Muszynski E., Malaterre C. (2019) Best behaviour: a non-binary conceptualization of behaviour in biology, Studies in the History and Philosophy of the Biological and Biomedical Sciences (Part C)
- Malaterre C., Chartier J.-F. (2019) Beyond Categorical Definitions of Life: a Data-driven Approach to Assessing Lifeness Synthese,
- Malaterre C. Chartier J.-F., Pulizzotto D. (2019) What is this thing called Philosophy of Science? A computational topic-modeling perspective 1934-2015, HOPOS 9(2): 215-249.
- Malaterre C., Dussault A., Rousseau-Mermans S., Barker G., Beisner B. E., Bouchard F., Desjardins E., Handa I. T., Kembel S., Lajoie G., Maris V., Odenbaugh J., Poisot T., Shapiro B. J., Suttle C. A. (2019) Functional Diversity: An Epistemic Roadmap BioScience 69(10), 800-811.
- Malaterre C. (2016) Going small: The challenges of microbial diversity, in J. Garson, A. Plutynski, and S. Sarkar (eds.) Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Biodiversity, Routledge, pp. 139-152.
- Malaterre C. (2015) Chemical evolution and life, in M-C. Maurel et P. Grandcolas (eds.) Origins. Studies in biological and cultural evolution. EDP sciences, Paris, pp. 1-8.
- Issad T., Malaterre C. (2015) Are dynamic mechanistic explanations still mechanistic?, in Braillard et Malaterre (eds.) Explanation in Biology. An Enquiry into the Diversity of Explanatory Patterns in the Life Sciences, Springer, pp. 265-294.
- Malaterre C. (2013) Synthetic Biology and Synthetic Knowledge, Biological Theory 8:346–356.
- Malaterre C. (2013) Microbial diversity and the lower-limit problem of biodiversity, Biology and Philosophy 28: 219–239.
- Malaterre C. (2011) Making Sense of Downward Causation in Manipulationism. Illustrations from Cancer Research, History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 33(4) : 537-562.
- Malaterre C. (2011) Biodiversité : des macrobes aux microbes et au delà ?, Bulletin d’Histoire et d’Épistémologie des Sciences de Vie, 18(1) : 61-77.
- Malaterre C. (2010) Lifeness signatures and the roots of the tree of life, Biology and Philosophy 25: 643-658.
- Malaterre C. (2010) On what it is to fly can tell us something about what it is to live, Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 40(2): 169-177.
- Malaterre C. (2009) Can synthetic biology shed light on the origins of life ?, Biological Theory (4)4 357-367.
- Malaterre C. (2008) Les origines de la vie : schèmes explicatifs et structure théorique, Noesis 14: 89-112.
- Malaterre C. (2007) Le néo-vitalisme au XIXe siècle : une seconde école française de l’émergence? Bulletin d’Histoire et d’Épistémologie des Sciences de Vie 14(1) : 25-44.
- Malaterre C. (2007) Organicism and reductionism in cancer research: towards a systemic approach, International Studies in Philosophy of Science 21(1) : 57-73.